Texas Workers’ Compensation Claims

The complexities of the Texas Labor Code and the Texas Workers’ Compensation System can be overwhelming to an individual who has been injured on the job. An individual who has never dealt with the Texas Workers’ Compensation system can have many questions but only find few answers. As an injured worker, you are entitled to competent medical care as well as income benefits while you are unable to work. The insurance company has a vested interest to stop these payments at the first available chance. Getting straight forward answers to your questions can help you obtain and retain your benefits until you are able to safely return to your employment.
Many times an injured worker does not need an attorney to represent them in a worker’s compensation claim. However, each claim is different and the only way you can determine whether or not you need an attorney is to consult with one. Most reputable attorneys will offer you a free consultation so you can discuss the individual facts of your case to determine if you need help or not. In some instances, individuals only need a push in the right direction. In other cases, individuals are not aware of the problems that may arise. While in some cases, the need for representation is obvious because of the disputed nature of the case. For instance, if you are an injured worker and you are not receiving medical or income benefits as a result of your injury, your case may need to be set for a benefit contested case hearing. If a hearing is not requested, you may never get the problem resolved. Prior to any hearing, it is strongly recommended you speak to an attorney or a commission appointed ombudsman to get a clear understanding of what you should expect to occur during the hearing. However, it is important to understand that an ombudsman can not give legal advice. Further, it is extremely important to not forget that the insurance carrier will be represented by an experienced professional who has been trained in workers’ compensation cases.
If you have a question about your case or have a disputed claim that you need assistance in, please give us a call at (713) 592-6300 and we will be happy to discuss your claim with you.